Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Your eyes says it all Mom.............................!

"Goodbye Mom I’ll be late"....I screamed as I slammed the door behind me . I hopped  past the front stairs making my way out of the house through the narrow pathway that cut the lawn. Words of Mom still ringing in my head she always had something to say when I left, always too concerned about me, I get one those short speeches every time I move past that door. Behind my back I knew 'mumma' would still be standing there in her bedroom window waving at me, her curious eyes trying to meet mine.  I didn’t want to turn around and look-up but reluctantly I did......... just to reassure if I was right, and well  she was still there  "hmm......... boy your never wrong "  I muttered to myself as I smiled and waved back .....i could clearly see the serenity of her face trying desperately to hide the anxiety but it just spilled out. I always wondered why did she worried about me so much...?.  The ever smiling face of my Mom gave into frightened uneasy look as if every morning I was marching my way out to a war and would never turn back in the evening. I gave back a reassuring smile and I marched on...............!!
                               But I never seize to love all her worries and the way she still thinks of me as her cute little 7 year may seem quaint to others but to me feels like true love ........and it makes feel so makes me feel like a sweet little child ......and i just love  the way she still pampers me a kid when i used to play on the slides in the park tumbling my way down i can always see her open arms waiting for me ...desperate to catch me ....!!!...Dont you remember these small things your 'Mumma' must be doing for you ......?..but hey we never even appreciate right..??.....As i try to recollect the wonder years of my life ..i can always see my mom by my side ....she's always been there and sometimes i wonder ....i see a glimpse of God in her ..!!........I can clearly remember the day when i lost my way in a crowded Indian bazaar ......i was  looking for my mom in a sea of people ...restlessly scanning unknown faces just to get a glimpse....of my world my mom but i just couldn't find her .....tears running down my face but i didn't care .....all i wanted was my 'world' back....i big crowd gathered trying to console a little five year old kid crying for his mom .....but still i went on crying ...all i wanted was my Mom ...and when i finally found her ..she was there standing for me ...even she was crying.... as i ran to her as fast as i could ....and i can say i found my heaven in her embrace ....!!! .And  today when i lay in the lawn ....and i know ......she loves me more than feels all these years if its been the best years of my life ....all our hardships .....the sad moments .......the heartbreak losses ..........its like nothing............every morning when i look in to her eyes says it all ...!!...just the look of it ........and she's always been here with me fighting back in bad times .....and her unforgettable sweet smile in times when it was all good.............
Sometimes i wonder why Moms are so sweet....................
and i don't know how can i repay back all the things my 'Mumma' has done for me .............but i can say there'll be a day ......


  1. wow so happens wid me......lyk evryday....but i nvr thought abt it till now.....thanx 2 u....i really love dis 1.......:D
    i must admit i can find no mistakes :P

  2. itz sweet.. smthn many ppl fail 2 notice.

  3. Sooo true..!! :D and loved it.!! :)
